Avorion Wiki

This mod shows how to add a new System Upgrade to the game. A new upgrade script is added, and the upgrade is added to the upgrade generator, so that it will be created as loot drops as well.

About[ | ]

  • upgradegenerator.lua Extends the vanilla upgrade generator and tells it about the new script

superhyperspace.lua[ | ]

Script that represents the actual upgrade. In this case, it's a slightly modified (boosted) variant of the vanilla hyperspacebooster.lua upgrade.

modinfo.lua[ | ]

  • serverSideOnly = false Mod has to be present on client and server, since new Upgrade scripts are added. Also: Localization.
  • clientSideOnly = false Mod has to pe present on client and server, since new Upgrade scripts are added. Also: Localization.
  • saveGameAltering = true The mod adds a new script data/scripts/systems/superhyperspace.lua whose path will be saved into the database. Once the mod is disabled, the script is no longer existant and the savegame will be slightly corrupted (not unplayable though).

Localization[ | ]

In the data/localization/ folder you can find an example for a German localization of texts that appear in the mod.

Workshop Link[ | ]

See Also[ | ]
