Avorion Wiki

Dedicated servers can have workshop mods and non-workshop mods configured.

Workshop mods are the recommended way of handling things, because workshop mods can be downloaded automatically by both server and client, and be kept up to date

Note: Achievements are disabled when using mods!

Installation[ | ]

Workshop Mods[ | ]

Workshop mods will be downloaded automatically and kept up to date by the server on every start, so you can skip this part.

Non-Workshop Mods[ | ]

Non-Workshop mods must be installed and maintained manually. Download the mods from the mod portal of your choice; Afterwards you can put them wherever you want, you just have to configure your server to find them.

Configuration[ | ]

To enable mods on dedicated servers, create a modconfig.lua file in your server's galaxy folder.

|--mods/          <--- You can place mods here if you want (but you don't have to, I'm not your boss)
|--workshop/      <--- Server downloads workshop mods here by default
|--modconfig.lua  <--- Configure mods in this file

modconfig.lua Example[ | ]

modLocation = "" -- Only needed if you mod location is something besides the default of .../galaxies/avorion/galaxy/mods/
forceEnabling = false

mods = -- Mods installed server-side
    {workshopid = "1691539727"}, -- Workshop Mods
    {workshopid = "1691591293"},
    {path = prefix .. "mymod"}, -- Non-workshop mods. prefix should be replaced with the directory containing the mods
    {path = prefix .. "AnotherMod"}
    -- Note there is no comma on the last set of {}
allowed = -- List of allowed client-side mods
    {workshopid = "1691539727"}, -- Workshop Mods
    {workshopid = "1691591293"},
    {path = prefix .. "mymod"}, -- Non-workshop mods. prefix should be replaced with the directory containing the mods
    {path = prefix .. "AnotherMod"}
    -- Note there is no comma on the last set of {}

Things to Note[ | ]

  • Server always enables all loaded mods. If you want to disable a mod, comment out the corresponding part of the lua file.
  • Server will prefer workshop mods over "path" mods. Without ID conflicts you won't have to worry about this, so make sure there are none!
  • If both path and workshopid are set, then the server will load the mod from the given path, but will tell clients the workshop id so they can download and enable them. So make sure there are no version mismatches.

See Also[ | ]
